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Old 04-06-2020, 09:06 PM
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Re: What's really going on?

Originally Posted by james34 View Post
I've been around folks even standing g behind pulpits , saying...."There is no new evil under the sun" in an obvious effort to curtail any sense of urgency that things are changing and that we need to be a prayer closer ....even the more as we SEE the DAY approaching!

Since our fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were.
This is a terrible outlook.It destroys the possibility of being stirred(which is needed)
The bible said, "they are ignorant of this one thing....that it was the word of God that holds the earth and humanity in place".

So by the word of God we discern the seasons and in so doing it stirs a hunger and an urgency in our souls. This is actually the reason we are able to discern the seasons(God gave us some things to look at just for this purpose) He didnt have to give any signs...but to let the faithful know , things are changing and the promise of his return is drawing nigh.
Here is something that is not necessary: His coming is not dependent upon us properly discerning these signs when they happen. He will come at the appointed time regardless of someone's inability to discern the things leading up to that time.
Some may even think, that all things continue to be the same....thay just miss their opportunity to be stirred....
It leaves them in this position: if they dont think his coming seems nigh, they must think he is delaying his coming
The admonition for a person who thinks that the Lord delayed his coming, is if they began to sleep and slumber and be drunken , he will come in an hour when they think not, they will be caught unaware....cast into outer darkness.
Beautifully and accurately said.😇👍
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