Originally Posted by Nicodemus1968
Time tells all.
Why this has to be a big show is what I’m not understanding. To use Paul dying at the hands of Nero makes no sense to me. Is there a spirit of fear coming against the church, absolutely! We war in the spirit not a press conference, like I said before there is something else going on behind the scenes. This doesn’t feel right to me.
I know some on here believe in rebellion is ok, as long as its for the “gospel sake” and if you do thats all up to. Yet, we have this virus man made or not we have this situation, and it is real my mom and sisters all work in hospitals and they’re seeing the affects of this virus first hand.
So, the government states not to have gatherings of 10 or more or whatever it is now. That not only affects the church, it also affects sporting events have closed, malls, concerts, restaurants and others. We’re having home services here, am I scared no I am not. Do I agree with others that want to make this to be a big deal no I don't. I believe if the government came to my house and asked for my guns, I would give it to them, why because the meek shall inherit the earth.
I trust in God not the government, I fight in the spirit not in the physical. The church is powerful, the church is flexible. If the government says no large gatherings then we obey and we figure another way to have service. The government has not asked anyone to denounce God, it has not asked us to die for what we believe in. Yet, some of you conspiracy guys are sure making it sound like that.
I’m so glad I’m not down there in the Bible Belt, all that competition with church’s, thank you Jesus I don't have to worry about that.