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Old 04-01-2020, 07:38 PM
Tithesmeister Tithesmeister is offline
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban

Originally Posted by Nicodemus1968 View Post
Coming into this conversation late so please forgive me.

Obviously from what I read, some are for Bro. Spell, and some are against what he has chosen to do. We all have our opinion, I have mine and just like socks after a couple days they start to stink.

One questions that comes to my mind as I read some of your posts is, what persecution is the church under? What’s the cause for a Pastor to continue to have church as we know it and then have to be greeted by officers of the law?

If the stay at home order is persecution against the church, then its also persecution against sporting events, concerts, malls, bank lobbies, some government buildings etc.

Ive seen that Trey Gowdy video years ago and one thing he mentioned that I agree with is Balance we have got to have balance. I believe its offense to the early Church to consider this as persecution.

This is my opinion:
If the government is telling us not to get in groups above 10, then don't do it. The church should be flexible in times like this, offer to be a cell leader for a small group. There are many ways to have church without the building and without everyone together.
Well brother. It is not a matter of persecution of the church. It is a matter of separation of church and state. If the church is a building, obviously the state has authority over it (fire codes, plumbing and electrical). However, the church is not a building, it is a people. And if there is a separation of church and state, the state has no authority to tell the church whether or not they can assemble. They have authority over the building, but not the people.

As for the pastor; How can they prosecute the pastor for what I did? That will never stick, in my opinion.

It seems from a legal standpoint, they would have to prosecute the members individually.

For instance, if the law is against assemblies over fifty, the law would only be violated by fifty one and up. If the pastor was there first, how do you prosecute him? It seems to be full of holes to me, legally.

Otherwise? I believe it would be best to use a little un-common sense. Stay home and worship there. But I’m going to be surprised, if not shocked if any of these charges are successfully prosecuted.
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