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Old 04-01-2020, 10:52 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban

Originally Posted by aegsm76 View Post
nd - your basic opinion on this issue is the reason you believe what you saw.

My knowledge of the Spell family is the reason that I have for my opinion.
So you have no good reason as to why Spell would force the chief and assistant chief into the sanctuary, down the aisle to the front with 8 or so people filming them -- shaming them on live video? Those two didn't deserve that. You could see they didn't want to be there serving a summons to a Pastor, much less being forced to do so in front of the pulpit with several people streaming it live to the world. They were incredibly respectful. Far more than I would have been in that situation.

Originally Posted by aegsm76 View Post
But, as I said before, I am troubled in my spirit by how quickly we have "bowed" to the authorities.
No one has "bowed" to anyone. Services are still continuing, streaming and as small congregations.

Let's examine your line of thought: Prior to Constantine recognizing Christianity as a legal religion, building a church for congregants was not legal. By your reasoning, the early church "bowed" to the authorities because they followed the law and only met in homes and the court of the Temple. Why didn't they rebel against the law then and build anyway? Why did they "bow" to the authorities?
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