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Old 03-31-2020, 06:07 PM
Steven Avery Steven Avery is offline
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Re: resources - remedy section! - virus theory

Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord View Post
It's easy to preach all this. Until the covid comes to your home, or your family. You're not invincible. None of us are.
Never said I was. However, if I, or family and dear friends, become in need of treatment, I would highly suggest avoiding the hospitals. Only about one in a hundred of the hospitals (my guesstimate) even do the Vitamin C intravenously, or in any other major way, for respiratory ailments, which is known to be a simple and effective treatment.

By the grace of God, I would seek to transform my patio, porch or other spots into health city. Might try for a sauna, as well. Amazing what can be done. If the day comes to see the Lord Jesus, by the grace of God let it be in a home environment, not pumped full of woozy drugs.

Oh, I omitted garlic in the earlier post, and that is a major tool. Wonderful health items like herbal iron are easy to increase. I am taking a break for my Sambozen Acai juice, often diluted. Even though pasteurized, I like its properties.

One example. Years back, we had to pull out a dear friend from a Brooklyn, NY hospital to save him from a (totally unnecessary) leg amputation, due to weak circulation. Planned for a few days ahead, because of gangrene fears. When we got him out, he instead had some natural approaches in Tennessee at a sanitarium and a week or so at an Alabama hot springs (all modest cost). And he has been walking the steep hills of Lares, Puerto Rico healthfully for decades, he is now 89. We had to have special meetings with lawyers and doctors and his pastor involved to pull him out.

Another example I saw involves a lady in Jersusalem, with pneumonia.

And I am only on the fringes of natural remedies.
One dear friend has dedicated his life to these types of helps, hands-on sanitarium treatment.


Why not try to take full responsibility for your own health? Are the churches too ill and obese? Why not try to get to the core of the issue, which is not a 'virus', or our current plan-demic.

Are people in your church taking 'vaccinations' ? The children submitting to the government guidelines? Already, there is trouble ahead. The autism epidemic, vaccination spurred, is a far greater health danger than our current concerns. And SIDS is going down due to "Well-Baby" vaccinations being postponed.

Has anyone read some of the articles on the two pages I put up?
Some of which tears virus theory to shreds.


Why not switch your emphasis to being and staying healthy?

Now that the spring equinox has sprung, are you in the sun for an hour or three daily? Today I was out on my land, and helping my handymen guys to clear out some cut-down trees and debris.

When the President of Belarus suggested saunas and being out in the fields, he was giving far better advice than our martial law politicians trying to lock you inside your house.


Why was this 'pandemic' simulated in Sept 2019, courtesy of Bill Gates and friends?

Last edited by Steven Avery; 03-31-2020 at 06:50 PM.
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