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Old 03-31-2020, 05:40 PM
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Why the need for theatrics? Someone nominate Tony and his father for their Oscar-worthy performance.

Good grief.

Why couldn't he accept the summons in the lobby or in his office? Why the need for the theatrics of 8 or more people all streaming the officers walking into the sanctuary, down the aisle to the Pastor in his Sunday best standing in front of the pulpit.

That was an ego show. No other way to put it. When you could have accepted the summons any other way, but instead choose to do it this way ... that's ego and pride.

Funny, I didn't see what you saw in the video. I saw a man of God standing up for what he felt the Lord told him to do.

The point was made in another post how hundreds of people are allowed to shop without being harrassed.

I was at Costco a few days ago and there wasn't any limits on the amount of people allowed in the store.

Why are Christians allowed to gather at Costco with hundreds of people to buy groceries, but not allowed to gather together at a church to worship God?

Something just doesn't make sense here...
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