Originally Posted by aegsm76
nd - glad to see you can learn all you need to know about someone from a short video.
Reminds me of the assumptions taken by many in the Covington Catholic situation.
How about listening to some of us who actually know the Spells.
By all means, please explain why the need for the officers to have to walk into the sanctuary, down the aisle to the Pastor in front of a pulpit, dressed in his Sunday best.
Spell claims he hasn't and wouldn't violate the law. Yet the law allows the Governor power to declare emergencies and impose the restrictions which are in place today.
This was a power play. The sanctuary and pulpit is a powerful place. It's the Oval Office for the church.
But please tell me why it was better to do it with 8+ people live streaming it instead of just accepting it in the lobby or office.
Originally Posted by aegsm76
Now, as I have said before, our church has gone to online services, but the governments reaction to churches having service has made me want to re-think this.
Think about it, the government has basically closed every church in the USA and almost nary a squawk from us so-called Christians.
But, you can go to Walmart, Costco, Sam's, the gas station, vet offices, garden centers, etc...
Go to work if you are in an essential business (some of which have thousands of employees gathered together) and that is ok?
Costco, Sams, Home Depot all are enforcing limits on the number of customers allowed into the store at one time. Walmart, as of the last time I was there, was not. Gas stations rarely have more than 50 at one time, unless it's a truck stop. Most vet offices here are appt only.
I had my ENT Dr call and cancel a follow up. They've shut down their office indefinitely. INDEFINITELY, the nurse told me. No idea when they will open up again for appointments. My family eye Dr called my wife and cancelled her and the kid's eye appointments. No reschedule at this time. They will call her when the office reopens.
There are small shops and restaurants within walking distance of my job -- all are closed, some permanently out of business.
So this isn't just against churches. This isn't religious persecution.