Originally Posted by shag
To remain on topic I’ll overlook things like Jesus and Elijah, Moses parting of the red seas, Joshua making the sun stand still...etc
and stick with the apostles.
Regarding Matt. 10:1 Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal EVERY disease and sickness.
Respectfully, do you believe that you have this same authority, that you can drive out impure spirits and heal EVERY disease and sickness?
And do you believe the apostles had the “ability” to heal at their own will or desire to, based on that authority?
Truly, signs do follow believers, but are their impartation subject to the believer, to heal at will, anytime and EVERY time they see fit?
If so, why are our apostolic churches full of handicap, cancerous sickly people, (many of which are pastors, their wives, their children etc)?
I had a debate with a Rabbi who wanted to prove Paul was not an apostle. He brought up the same thing about Paul, and claimed what you posted. So, let me ask you this question? Why couldn't Paul heal Epaphroditus
Philippians 2:25? Why couldn't he heal Trophimus
2 Timothy 4:20? Why did Paul give holistic advise to Timothy because of his stomach? It's like you are with the unchurched who believe these guys were wizards, and warlocks who can perform magic on people to bring healings, without the persons faith as the main activator. Jesus couldn't do many miracles in His own town because of THEIR lack of faith. Good grief