Re: The virus and Be Apostolic??
Originally Posted by Truthseeker
You're too inclined to jump to conclusions and assumptions, but that's your MO.
I believe in miracles and healing etc....but have never seen anyone operate at the level of the apostles. The apostles indeed had a specific mission. Being a preterist, you should know this. They had a special empowerment "signs of an apostle". That doesn't take away from miracles and healings that can and do occur today.
I didn’t jump to any conclusions. I guess I’m a different than you. While I’ve never had the opportunity to see a shadow heal. I seen mind blowing miracles. How about an empty eye socket with just the muscle in the hole get filled with an eyeball? Jesus did it once with spit and mud, this Brother was just praying with the man to receive sight. I guess you need to work on your Preterism. Because if it is written in the book and they did it, then you can bet your granddads camaro that we can do it. Work on the Faith bro, don’t doubt.
Another thing, whats your MO?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence