Originally Posted by TakingDominion
You say you want many, but our opinion of a Pastor seems very different. I'm saying you don't want a Pastor that can tell you what not to do. You don't want a Pastor that can set a standard over you and your family. You don't want a Pastor to submit your life to. You want a dozen men that don't receive their income from the church. Men too afraid to preach anything that will step on your toes. Who makes final decisions in that type of church? That is a train wreck. God's design has always been one man as his leader and authority over a congregation. Yes, have other elders and teachers in the church, but there can only be one Pastor or shepherd over the congregation. Your problem isn't tithing. Your problem is authority.
Brother, I am afraid you are accusing him of more than he had said. This is ad hominem, which is not the best thing to do.
There is at least one UPCI church I know of that advocates and practice plurality of elders at the same level (no senior head) and it works just fine. They have plenty of articles published of how to do it. No all the elders are full time employed by the church.