Re: Bott 2020
Originally Posted by Barb
I'm not being argumentative, just asking... so if a doctor gives that as a diagnosis they are a. following a common trend, b. mistaken, or c. flat out lying?
In other words, you do not believe in chemical imbalance of the brain?
Sister, I deal with people who have live their entire lives on psychotropic medication. I watched a young boy manipulated by his mother and doctors to go from a healthy boy to a man who is wet brain a ward of the state. Like I said in the depression thread google it. Find anywhere that gives us a number, a percentage of the balance of “serotonin” in the brain. I’ve watched too many parents who confessed to believe in Jesus babeque the brains of their young ones through the power of medicine. One man from a life of medication ended up in suicide. Because some psychotropic medication side effects are suicidal tendencies. I personally believe the patients issues aren’t unbalanced seretonin, but the medication prescribed them.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence