Originally Posted by Esaias
I'm not trying to fight, I'm just asking. I don't recall any Scripture where Jesus, the apostles, or any prophets provided any "find the door" type counselling to demonised people as part of getting rid of the demon. You ask where does the demonic oppression come from? Why do you ask? Doesn't the Bible delve into that subject?
Well, actually, it seems it doesn't. I don't know any passages where anybody provided teaching on "where demonic oppression comes from". Nobody was looking into anybody's childhood traumas as part of exorcising demons. Maybe in the zohar, but not in the Bible.
That convinces me of the fact that such "background information" is wholly irrelevant to the subject. God didn't see fit to give us doctrine in that area. Why not? Because it's irrelevant. He DID however give us power to cast the demons out and send them on their way.
I would say the example in Matt 12 you cited is more of a warning against sin. Once cleansed from sin, going back to sin results in a worse fate, like a dog back to its vomit. I mean, are there examples of demoniacs being healed, then winding up possessed again? In the Bible, I mean? Jesus was telling the Pharisees they were going to wind up 7 times worse than they then currently were. Which is what happened historically.
If a person is delivered on Sunday, and possessed again next Wednesday, maybe they were never delivered in the first place? Or else, the problem isn't a demon, but something else. Sin can't be "cast out" of someone, it has to be repented of.
I agree with you that it is not recorded about Jesus and His disciples using this particular language...
Paul on the other hand does let us know that unforgiveness to a person will give the devil and advantage. I would liken that to an open-door situation for a spirit to work.
As far as sin not being cast out... we are not talking about sin we are talking about demonic oppression and whether it can be passed down generation to generation.