Originally Posted by Pressing-On
“In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on my servants— men and women alike— and they will prophesy.” Acts 2:18
Try to make your interpretation of “women keep silence in church” work for you now.
Sister, are you reading what I write, or just sounding off?
I have more than once, including in the opening post of this thread, stated that women have every right to pray and prophesy (comfort, exhort, and edify;
1 Corinthians 14:3) in the church, as long as it is done decently and in order according to the Scriptures. This requires speaking out loud to all present.
So, you clearly aren't reading fully, or if you are, aren't attempting to fully understand my position, because the statement you made above has no bearing upon anything I've so far written.
Post #1:
It doesn't mean she can't even say "hi" or "Praise the Lord" in worship, or pray when the saints pray. Rather, she can and should pray, and she can and should prophesy, as the Spirit allows, in the decency and order God ordains.
Post #11:
Testifying among the saints is to bear witness and share something the Lord has done in a person's life. As such, testimonies exhort, edify, or comfort those who hear them, and as such, fall under the realm of prophesying, which women are allowed by the Lord to do in the church.
Post #58:
All the text states is that they prophesied. This is something I have already affirmed in this thread is allowable according to the Holy Scriptures per 1 Corinthians 11. So, there is no "aha" moment here. So, good for them. They were used by the Holy Spirit to exhort, comfort, and edify the people of God.
This is now the fourth time, once already including a reminder, about the correctness of women prophesying in church, and yet you still miss it?
Why? What are you aiming for?