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Old 07-16-2019, 12:03 PM
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Genesis gleanings

The earth was (1) without form and (2) void. Formless and unfilled. The first three days of Genesis see God form it. The last three days He filled what was formed.

Let there be light on the first day was patterned with let there be lights on the fourth, while the fourth was the first day of the last set of three. And God put moving lights in the heaven; sun, moon and stars.

The second saw waters separated and a firmament he called heaven made. The second day of the second set saw God fill the heaven with birds and the waters with creatures.

The Third day saw dry land and vegetation. The third day of the second set sat active life put on the ground, invisible man, to eat that vegetation for food.

When he made man he Formed the body from ground first, then filled that void with Spirit life. Same order and pattern as earth. Forming came before filling with active movement.

This is like the two covenants. The old was forming with what is righteous and what is wrong. But there's no active movement in that, nor could there be. Law cannot give life. Only the new brought active life. Jesus came to give us life. And the active life is seen in us when we live, forgive, forebear and bless others.

When God formed us in the New cannot, he made us stand in his righteousness and likeness. His image. And when we try to become righteous in our fleshly efforts, we fail. We're deceived. We're already righteous, and simply must mature to see that arise in our behavior. And we're trying to do the forming God already did!

Satan tempted Eve to become like God, when she was already in his likeness. The route was works of righteousness, and that's law.

Accept life from the resurrection life of Jesus, and live that life in his righteousness. Be active the way God created us to be active, and Love ALL your neighbors as yourself.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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