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Old 06-07-2019, 05:51 AM
JamesGlen JamesGlen is offline
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Re: To Beard or Not to Beard, That is The Question

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
I have never ever heard anyone say it was a sin to have a beard.

But what about painted finger nails on men?

Or guys wearing mascara and lipstick?

(Beards) You’ve heard it called rebellion, we all have, 20+ years ago...and rebellion is a sin as witchcraft, same verse they use I believe, they just don’t finish really, what’s the difference...rebellion=sin

Maybe preach against named biblical sin, (that’s what Paul did).

What else are these fags(oops, my carnality got the better of me there) doing in their heart and/or mind that’s sin, that makes them want to paint their body? I would think there is a bigger underlying issue, that the Bible condemns as sin.

Maybe the same could be said of women wearing that mess though....

I guess if we are going to have unbiblical platforms and pulpits in buildings that we unbiblically call churches, we can have unbiblical requirements to use them?

(FTR, guys(by birth) that wear that dung make me want to throw up my lunch).

Last edited by JamesGlen; 06-07-2019 at 06:02 AM.
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