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Old 03-31-2019, 11:40 PM
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Esaias Esaias is offline
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Re: Books on Mormonism

Originally Posted by DRPAULMARTIN View Post
I spent 30 years inside the Mormon Church. I probably know more about it than YOU do sir. Unless you have taken the missionary discussions, been baptized into the mormon faith, went thru the temple ceremonies, and given 30 years of devotion to the faith, don't tell me I am "Slinging mud".

Every leader in the Mormon church from the top down despises Ed Decker. He has lied consistently about his experiences and knowledge from his years in the organization. Unless you sir have a mormon acumen such as I have, don't dare tell me I am "Sliding mud".

Just because YOU happen to be Apostolic don't make you no big deal either. I was an assistant pastor of an all-black apostolic church in Virginia for 7 years. Biblical Education is also not something I lack. I possess two earned doctoral degrees, and honorary doctorates in divinity and sacred music.

I am not some ignorant hillbilly, or a johnny come lately where the word of God, OR knowledge of the Mormon Faith is concerned. Unless you have been where I have been, YOU do not possess accurate knowledge to know or be able to speak about Mormon history, doctrine, or its leaders.

Ed Decker was excommunicated for apostasy. Ed Decker was a high priest in the church prior to be ousted for speaking out against the leadership of the church, and questioning the doctrines and teachings of the faith.

If you speak anything bad against the mormon faith, doctrine or leadership, in most cases, you get shown the door, quick.

My reply to you, I know, will be taken out of context, and considered by you to be, in your words, "Slinging mud." I personally do not care. I never should have joined this forum, even if I am apostolic, and was raised that way.

If i knew how to delete myself from this forum, I would, I have found that most people here are just like you, closed minded and judgmental.

Dr. Paul S. Martin.
Well, I never! Hang on while I clutch my pearls and asphyxiate on my righteous indignation. Do you even lift?

"All black apostolic church"? Hey, I was chief party supply clerk for an all white stoner skater gang back in junior high, doesn't that count for something?

I bet you're the life of the party in real life, eh, DOCTOR? Do you even know Venusian Karate? Lost your recorder (flute like instrument, about yea long)? Did Leela turn you down for a date?

"Dumb hillbilly"? Did you mean, "dumb cracker"? Are you a democrat or something? You sound racist.

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