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Old 12-03-2018, 12:08 PM
Apostolic1ness Apostolic1ness is offline
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Re: Gino Jennings On Soul Sleep

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Jesus said BOTH body AND SOUL can be destroyed. He most certainly did NOT say the body can be killed but the soul lives on.

Men can kill the body, but there is hope, called the resurrection. But in GEHENNA (which is NOT the grave, NOT hades, NOT Sheol, NOT where you go if killed by mere men) GOD HIMSELF will destroy not only the body but the soul as well. Gehenna is a garbage dump, and is used as a metaphor or symbol of the Judgment of God. The final judgment results in the permanent destruction of the wicked, thus the body AND soul are destroyed.

Physical death is a temporary situation. A saint can be confident that if this body is destroyed, they have another they will receive in the resurrection. Thus, they shall live on forever. But those facing the wrath of God have no such hope, they will be destroyed in the judgment.
It looks to me like Jesus' definition of soul and your definition of soul are different.
Your def says if the body dies the soul dies because the body and spirit make up the soul.
Jesus says that ones body dies but not necessarily the soul.
what Jesus calls the soul you call the spirit.
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