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Old 11-21-2018, 10:01 AM
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Evang.Benincasa Evang.Benincasa is offline
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Re: Did The Second Coming Happen In 70AD?

Also dragging poor old Hymenaeus down the street to prove he was an early Preterist is wrong. Because one, if what he teaching was about a physical resurrection then he could of told his opposition that he personally point to the resurrected. I believe that Hymenaeus was teaching that the resurrection of Jesus, and the many who walked into Jerusalem were what he claimed to be the resurrection which was past. Yet, there is more. Because everything within eschatology of Judeans and Israelites had to do with them and God. Gentiles are grafted in to their olive tree, not the other way around. It is all about Israel, and it must make sense to the first century believer, not Americans who think beards or no beards are important on any level. Why did Jesus come, who did He come to? Who were His people? The same as the prophetic prophesy of Daniel being about HIS PEOPLE. The resurrection in Daniel is about his people? Sleeping in the dust of the earth prior to any arrival of Christ. How did those guys have slavation? Did Jesus go to hell rattling keys and preaching a sermon about the Gospel? Anyone heard that? Preached to souls? While the Bible says as the tree falleth so shall it be found? Any answers?
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