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Old 10-11-2018, 08:36 AM
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Re: Hurricane Michael

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Drudge is reporting (based on NOAA and Weather Underground data) that it landed with 155 mph sustained winds. I don't believe it one bit.

NOAA and US weather agencies keep hyping up these storms because fake news and muh global warming carbon tax propaganda. It's irresponsible and is going to get people killed.

Has anyone actually there reported Hurricane Camille level devastation? Entire towns should be wiped flat off the map from 155+ mph sustained winds.

They did the same thing with the last hurricane, where NOAA takes wind speeds thousands of feet above surface and then reports that as the sustained winds. Nobody cares about windspeed at 1 or 2 kilometers above surface except airplanes. What matters is surface windspeed.

The windmap reports windspeed in km/ph which means you take the reading and multiply by .62 to get mph. Make sure you are looking at SURFACE windspeed not 12000 ft in the air.
Has the methodolgy the use for measuring wind speed changed?
You better watch out before I blitzkrieg your thread cause I'm the Thread Nazi now!
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