08-29-2018, 02:57 PM
This is still that!
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Sebastian, FL
Posts: 9,680
Re: “The Synagogue of Satan, Who are they?”
Originally Posted by CalledOut238
On a Macro level you would need to research Sabbatean Frankist and Chabad-Lubavitch. Trump's son in law Jared Kushner is a member of this Messianic death cult. They believe they will rule the world from Jerusalem and will exterminate all non Judaic peoples who do not follow the Noahide laws. This is currently being accomplished through the doctrine of eugenics and outlined by the Georgia Guidestones.
On a Micro level the doctrines formulated by groups like Jews for Jesus, Hebrew Roots, Sacred Name and Messianic Judaism groups are leading many Apostolics astray. I had these people tell me that when I was baptized in Jesus name that it was invalid. To be born again; I had to be baptized in Yeshua, Yahushua, Yahoshua, Yahawashi and on and on. As you know, "Doubt is the enemy of Faith." And if our adversary can create doubt then it can effect your prayers. These Judaic Hebrew Name movements are nothing but confusion. I have seen them creeping into some of our congregations and especially by the internet.
I have attached pdf research paper done by linguist Asya Pereltsvaig and will abbreviate some points why I think all this is a deception by the Judaics.
"Hebrew gradually became extinct as a spoken language around 200 CE. Yet, it continued to be used as a liturgical and written language for many centuries thereafter. Modern Hebrew was revived in the late 19th century and early 20th century becoming the national language of Israel. Eliezer Ben-Yehuda was born Eliezer Yitzhak Perelman in 1858 in that part of the Russian Empire where Russians, Belarusians, Poles and Lithuanians lived side by side with a large Jewish population. Wanting to be a Rabbi he studied Biblical Hebrew which is the Masoretic squared block with the niqqud vowel points. He studied Lithuanian, Yiddish, Hebrew and Aramaic, and in the following years, he also learned French, German and Russian. 1881 Ben-Yehuda conclude that the reviving the Hebrew language in the Land of Israel would unite all Jews worldwide. In fact, Ben-Yehuda regarded Hebrew and Zionism as one and the same, writing that “the Hebrew language can live only if we revive the nation and return it to the fatherland.” The Sephardic Jews spoke Ladino or Arabic and the Ashkenazi Jews who spoke Yiddish. Yiddish was a combination of Masoretic Hebrew, Aramaic and Slavic. What Modern Hebrew is, if not a development of the old language, differs from scholar to scholar. Some consider it to be “Yiddish with Hebrew words”; others, including Zuckermann, highlight the impact of Yiddish but also of other languages spoken by the revivalists, most notably Russian and Polish. Yet others, including Paul Wexler, consider Modern Hebrew to be a Slavic and not at all a Semitic language; hence, the title of Paul Wexler’s 1990 book: The Schizoid Nature of Modern Hebrew: A Slavic Language in Search of a Semitic Past. While Ben-Yehuda searched Biblical, Rabbinic and, to a lesser extent, Medieval Hebrew sources for words and created new words based on the Semitic paradigm patterns (binyanim for verbs, mishkalot for nouns), when it comes to grammatical (i.e., syntactic) patterns, the situation is more complicated. Since Ben-Yehuda and other early revivalists spoke only broken Hebrew, their grammar, while reflecting (Late) Biblical Hebrew, also exhibited significant aspects of Yiddish, Russian, Lithuanian and sometimes even German and French. And in most cases the revivalists were probably not even aware of this grammar-mixing, much the same way that people who speak a foreign language often unknowingly make mistakes based on the grammar of their native language."
The Lord laid upon my heart that He understands all languages for they began at the Tower of Babel. He understands our prays; and calling upon his name, in our own language. But this reflects a very crafty attack of how Judaic Messianic can cause confusion with a fake Hebrew language for a Fake Judaic people. Because I studied this out I now have my full faith again when calling on the name of Jesus. But it does bother me that others may question their faith in his name if they get approached by these people. Most of these people who are duped by Hebrew Roots are searching for a deeper relationship with their Savior. If they only knew that the language they are speaking isn't holy, but a bastardize form of a dead language. Hope this answers your question.
Hebrews 13:15 (KJV) By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.
very informative, thank you