Re: BY THIS STANDARD-Greg L. Bahnsen
Originally Posted by Aquila
I have. But my angle isn't one wherein I'm saying that God's Law must be enforced in modern society. My argument is that such social provisions are not some "socialist dream" that is alien to the Bible. I would never advocate that civil law legally mandate tithing (as the Reconstructionists would). I would point out that the poor tithe (an agrarian land tax) in the OT, and gleaning rights for the poor, sets the precedent that God cannot be said to be averse to the idea of taxation to fund provisions such as TANF, Social Security, SCHIP, Medicare etc. The Reconstructionist would reinstitute the poor tithe, gleaning rights, etc... I'm simply suggesting that we as a nation have a moral obligation to do better in regards to providing for the most destitute among us...and God would not be against such effort.
What group are you referring to here?
If we ever forget that we're One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under - Ronald Reagan