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Old 08-01-2018, 02:24 PM
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Re: Divorce and Remarriage

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
find in your studies that the early church never praised second marriages, regardless of any fault or innocence claimed by any party involved.
What part of prove it don't you understand? Do anyone ever say prove it, where you live? You said that the early church never sought an innocent party? Jesus had a woman who was caught in adultery, He let her go because there was no proof of the adultery. Because the witnesses were required to bring the male with the female. Especially since she was caught in the VERY ACT.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
It was a mute point. Divorce was a fall from grace, a sin.
Jeremiah 3:8 so God fell from Grace? God sinned by handing His wife a bill of divorcement? Because she was an adultress? Deuteronomy 24:1-4 was written to cause Israel to sin? Ezra 10:2-4 which was the trespass? The marriages or the divorces? We are told the marriages were unlawful. This might come as a total surprise to you, but the early church used the OT as their Bible. I don't see where you have a precedent for your soteriology?

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
And remarriage was the establishment of a second indissoluble union, which was a sin against the first (adultery). The only recourse was to cleanse and sanctify the first marriage through contrition and repentance, ceasing the act of divorce and/or remarriage. Having more than one indissoluble union disqualified one from the office of bishop, and still does in the Greek Orthodox churches.

Here's something I find interesting. Common modern interpretations justify divorce and remarriage if some sense of marital unfaithfulness is claimed or demonstrated. I know people who have claimed their past four spouses were martially unfaithful! lol

It's all an attempt to justify sin. Sin that needs to be recognized, confessed, and repented of so that forgiveness and blessing can flow into a broken human circumstance.
So, tell me again? Why can't you stop the adultery? Paul said that if a man join to a prostitute they are one flesh? So are the multiple interactions with prostitutes down at their local temple unbreakable unions? They must be, according to your theology.
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