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Old 07-31-2018, 07:28 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Divorce and Remarriage

Originally Posted by jediwill83 View Post
Well after being cheated on multiple times I pulled the trigger on mine myself.

Had a wife that went behind my back and besmirched my character, accused me of beating her and causing her to miscarriage among other things EXTREMELY out of character for me and then after the second round of cheating I had enough.

I tried...I REALLY tried to make it work.

If that disqualifies me for be it.

Not really looking for a "ministry" or I'm just a guy who has major flaws trying to take care of a family.
Man, I've been through that mess.

My ex-wife wanted an open marriage. She made friends on the "swinger" scene. But I loved her. Loved her with all my being. I was willing to tolerate, understand, and be there for this "phase" she was going through. I was convinced that I could love her out of the lifestyle. Well, truth be told, I couldn't. One day I confronted her about lies and deception that was going on. And as I pleaded for counseling, she pulled the trigger and told me that she wanted a divorce.

She slandered my character, lied about me, claimed abuse, etc. Ended up with spousal support and child support. Yep, I ended up paying for her wild weekend excursions to her "swinger parties". Thank the blessed court system.

If I had pulled the trigger and made the case, maybe I would have fared better. But the pastor I was talking to at the time told me to try to reconcile. He even advised me not to put her away, but to make her do the deed if she were serious. Man, was she serious. She was out for it all. I shouldn't have followed his advice. I should have declared war on her.

I just don't feel safe when I think about civil marriage any more. After seeing how it all works, I firmly believe it is best not to become entangled with the civil marriage system. There is no real security in civil marriage any more. You're better off securing your interests by not participating.

And, if remarriage disqualifies me, I could care less. I have no interest in being behind a pulpit anymore.
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