Originally Posted by Amanah
Would some of you weigh in on where you think we are as a church and nation. Do you think we are living in a time of strong delusion? Do you think we are losing our message by blending into the world? Do you think we are on the brink of Jesus' return?
I believe were on the brink of Jesus' return. I know we can't lose our message (although some are losing it) because its the Gospel of Jesus Christ. "Upon this rock He promised to build His church, and promised the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." That word shall means its immutable, it's not passive, its a guarantee!
Many are blending in with the world, while there's some preaching it and living it harder than ever. It is a time of delusion but this is the devils world, so there's never been a time since the fall that there wasn't strong delusion, either!
Gods church is strong, been strong and will stay strong. He promised, He was coming back for it. So I'm going to work out my salvation with fear and trembling, making sure I'm in it. Because its the only thing guaranteed to make it out! Everything thats falling away never was it, it only appeared that way, but time reveals all things!
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