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Old 05-25-2018, 09:41 PM
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Re: Most complex explanation of the Godhead ever!

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Jeremiah wasn't said to have prophesied from the beginning. Paul said God made all things by the Son, which implies actual activity on the Son's part. Which only makes sense when we take into account the fact that the Son is the Word made flesh, and it was the Word by which all things were made. And as Genesis reveals, God made all things by His Word (And God said, etc).

The Word is God revealing Himself, God's self-revelation to the creation. So the Word is more than just "an idea in the Divine Mind", for a logos is not merely the mental concept behind a word, but the word itself, in actuality. Does the idea of the Logos include the Divine Plan? Sure. But it goes much deeper than that.
I see the creative power of the Logos. But you are saying you believe in a actual pre existant divine son? I agree with somethings you said, but on this I don't. I can see that God can be visible and invisible, but the title of son I can't see until the fullness of time came.

I will even go with what Michael said about God being visible and invisible, but the Son is a title of relationship. Which I don't see Him being born at any point, until Bethelehams manger. Nor begotten.

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