Originally Posted by Jason B
Pay Benincasa no mind. He's a one trick pony.
I had the same feeling you did about the sermon I heard. "A self evaluation". Absolutely no love, all doctrine and contempt for anyone else. "I wish someone would put a spear through the heart of these trinitarian loving dudes".
I think Christ would say "ye know not what manner of spirit you are of".
"A self examination" that was a good one. More Elder Westberg coming tommorow then, that settles it! Lol Dead or alive, the good elder draws a line in the sand. Y'all can say what you want, but thats for real Apostolic authority.
I notice the Liberals can't stand his guts. They truthfully hate the man. Although, most claim he had hate the other way. But their attitude towards him, reveal their thoughts and intents of the heart. IJS
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