Originally Posted by Aquila
Yes, they are.
However, should a significant movement to limit corporate power and money in politics prove to legitimately threaten this control, they'll do whatever is necessary to subvert the democratic process.
That already happened. Occupy, TEA Party, Ron Paul Revolution, Perot, Buchanan, you can go back to the 60s if you want, 50s, 30s and 20s, we can go back to Andy Jackson, Jefferson, Patrick Henry and the Antifederalists, even. All co-opted, marginalized, subverted, or outright ignored.
The problem isn't "corporate money and power", IT'S THE BANKS and THE NOBLES. Always has been, always will be. Been a problem since the Medicis, Borgias, and going back even further to the Flavians and ole Nebuchadnezzar, even back to old Babel on the plains of Shinar, and further.
Every movement is controlled, directed, or destroyed. Made possible by usury (aka "fractional reserve banking"). Oh, you thought government was "for the people"? Uh, not quite like you were told in the state-run school system.