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Old 04-16-2018, 11:00 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: A Glorious Church?

Originally Posted by Amanah View Post
you want to destroy the conservative Church, see below
Please don't confuse "spiritually conservative" with the "political conservative movement". They are two very separate things. Many political conservatives are anything but religiously conservative. And many political liberals are religiously conservative.

My post was about getting human politics out of the pulpit and not using the name of God to prop up a human political agenda, regardless of party, or political agenda. The pulpit is to advance the Kingdom of God, New Testament salvation. Politicking is best left on the stump... it shouldn't be in our pulpits. Remember, the art of politics is the art of compromise. The more pulpits become given over to politics, they more they will compromise, not less. Consider, this post from Facebook that was directed to me about Donald Trump and his bad behavior towards women....
D***** L**** Oh no, i served the Lord for over 30 years, a pastor, a bishop as an elder etc. I still enjoy seeing a nice butt on a woman, even nice boobs., been married 31 years, i still enjoy grabbing my wife when she least expects it, i guess that means i treat women wrong. I admit I am a dirty old man, lol.

The sin is not in the look, its when the mind engages, and starts thinking thoughts, now if most men are honest , they would admit the same thing that i did.

Us men have our faults in looking, but women of today let it every thing hang out, so men notice them. A lot more than Trump has a problem with sin.

And smear campaign, look at news, all the way back to when we the people elected him. Smearing him every day, look at the junk bama shoved down our throats, was he smeared daily
This man claims to have served the Lord for over 30 years, a pastor, a bishop as an elder etc.! What??? And he speaks like this about a politician's carnal, and perhaps even criminal, antics??? This man's justification of bad behavior has lowered his moral compass. Why? Because he has blended his faith with a political agenda, and that means supporting a man of bad behavior as part of his religio-political loyalties.

My answer to him was...
Wow. And people don't think that the hero worship given to Trump isn't lowering our standards of decency?

While we're beating our chests about being sexually vibrant men like Trump... let me ask a question...

If your daughter was in a beauty pageant and some scumbag of a billionaire grabbed her inappropriately and made overtly sexual remarks because he thinks he's so big and bad no one will call him on it... and it left your daughter feeling like a subhuman piece of meat born only for sex... would you laugh it off???

I'm proud to say that... as a father of a little girl... it would take every bit of my strength to resist beating that small handed, churlish, pervert within an inch of his life.

But, we're going to play the, "Oh, boys will be boys card."

I have a daughter. And if anyone in ministry thinks like this, I can proudly say I'd never trust him alone with my daughter in a million years. And it says a whole heck of a lot about the fiber of the church the man has served.
They gentleman is UPCI. Politics is the art of compromise. And blending politics with his faith has left him... morally compromised.

Oh dear sister, please don't tell me you support this sort of thing.

Last edited by Aquila; 04-16-2018 at 11:29 AM.
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