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Old 03-21-2018, 11:30 AM
Strict Baptist Strict Baptist is offline
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Re: A Waldensian chimes in

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
What is a "Strict Baptist"? Is that a Particular, Hardshell, Regular, Primitive, Missionary, Independent, Southern, Fundamental, Reformed Baptist?

You will find that just as "baptist" has a wide variety of meaning, so does "oneness pentecostal".
My, my, I am impressed! The Strict and Particular or Old Regular or Primitive Baptists, which was how almost all Baptists were at the foundation of the United States; we all we originally Strict coming from England. However, as most of our histories (Cramp, Armitage, Christian, Griggs, Bakkus, Daily et al) document, there arose beginning in the 1750s sects among us who brought in damnable heresies and unbiblical institutions. The prevailing issue became known as the Anti-Means, Anti-Missionary Baptists versus the Missionary, Means Baptists Spurgeon, Carrey, Sutcliffe, Ryland, Fuller ad nauseaum. Stanley Phillips documented well this whole sad affair in his book on hyper-Calvinism. The New School crowd, of which the defected SBC was once a part, now calling themselves one of the biggest oxymoronic misnomers, Reformed Baptist, desired to implement Raikes' sabbath schools, Bible societies, missions boards over church planting, but most alarmingly a modification of New Haven Theology and Amyraldism that is self-defeating. Some of the then-most imminent among we meek servants of Christ met for the Black Rock Address in 1832 stating our differences and unhappy separation from the Means crowd. Sadly with much violence to scripture, though we were as evangelical as that blessed George Whitefield, despite his Marrowism we deplore, we using the names we for once selected of Old School, Original and Primitive from Strict and Paticular, became bitter and lost that zeal until recently, though not all of us. These has been a concerted effort in soul-winning starting in the 1970s taking on since the 1990s not to regain the lost zeal from the New Schoolers and renamed General Baptists (most of the fundamentalists fall herein), but to obey our most blessed and only Potentate, King of Kings, Master of Masters. The term "Hardshell" is one used in derision of us but sometimes used. The original names came to designate our continuation in belief from our forefathers reaching back to the first century in predestination independently of the Protestants who we love in the truth; we did not raise our swords against them; with such names as Wycliff, the Welsh Baptists, Henricians who left Rome's evil churches bare, Bogomils, Peteobrussians, Albigensians, Novationists, Paulicians, Huss etcetera holding to the monergism Rome has ever loathed. "Strict" refers to strict communion; see JC Philpot's Strict Communion from, my publisher.

Here is an interesting tidbit-- had not Patrick Leeland, one of my predecessors, campaigned for Amendment I of the US Constitution, it likely never would have existed. I don't remember offhand if the Danbury association were some of us, but I think they were. I have a number of rare histories if you desire them, but am impressed a Oneness proponent knows who we are!

Kindly, can someone explain what the main Oneness groups are apart from the UPCI? It seems they get the preeminence, but they also seem to be compromising to please the dumbed-down evangelicals.
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