Thread: Matt Maddix
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Old 03-14-2018, 05:44 AM
Nitehawk013 Nitehawk013 is offline
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Re: Matt Maddix

An acquaintance of mine pastors a small home missions church in Alaska. within the last year he had Matt Maddix there to preach, so he does still do at least some preaching. I never heard anything more about the "revival" after this pastor talked up having him come for weeks. No reports of anything really. Maybe that is telling, maybe it isn't.

From my POV, I went to both Maddix and his son's Facebook pages a few months ago when a local pastor was advertising his Maddix Publishing business. Here is what I noticed from spending way WAAAYYYY too much time on both pages.

First, almost 0 mention at all of Jesus, Apostolic churches, going to church, being a minister, promoting any home church or any church at all. Red flag number 1.

Next, almost every post is about nothing but money and success. All about how much success he wants. How hard he works for it. How he wants you to hire him to come speak to your company and make you successful. Constant flow of posts about all these other "self help" gurus like Tony Robbins and Grant Cardone that he hob knobs with now. How he and his son are always flying to California or Malibu or (insert fancy rich place here) to be with some other big name rich celebrity self help coach.

Finally, and most annoying to me, he constantly pimps his son as the greatest teenager in history because he writes books and is going to make a million dollars by his 18th birthday or some such nonsense. I don't have the stomach to hear a teenager with no real life experience giving self help advice. Apparently there is a market for it though as this kid sells these dumb books.

Overall, I hesitate to judge only on social media posts because perhaps they have chosen to keep their faith a secret and use social media only for business and promoting their livelihood. But my gut tells me the guy went through a very bad situation/divorce, something went bad with the church and so he washed his hand so fit and now just embraces the "get rich and try to encourage and build up people and that will be enough to satisfy and save you" mentality. The guys does a lot of feeding the hungry and homeless. Awesome. You can still find yourself damned for eternity while feeding the homeless. Get yourself and you kid in a good church and get your spiritual lives right and focused instead of chasing more money and name recognition.

I don't know him so I can't say for sure. What I can say is that his and his kid's pages make me sad and sometimes disgusted that a guy who was working very hard for the Kingdom (even if I didn't agree with some of his methods) now seems to only strive to build his and his kids little castles on earth.
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