Thread: Billy Graham
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Old 03-03-2018, 09:07 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Billy Graham

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Do you recognize the absurd ad hominem you made? Do you recognize that you are in effect saying "if you claim to know truth you must have omniscient knowledge of all truths"? Do you realize that is a straw man argument? Do you realize that the logical conclusion of your position is that YOU DONT EVEN KNOW YOUR OWN NANE, OR THAT YOU EVEN EXIST?

Because you are in effect saying "you either have omniscience, or nothing certain at all." Which is a false dichotomy.

You've committed the following fallacies in just 3 sentences: attacking our character, setting up a false dilemma, setting up a straw man argument, a weak bandwagon fallacy, and argument by ridicule. 5 fallacies in three sentences!

You are right about one thing, though: YOU DONT KNOW. You don't know what you are talking about, nor do you know what the other side is even getting at. You don't have a clear conception of what you're arguing against.

I think you just like to be a contrarian around here.
Okay. My position is actually the classical position of the Apostolic movement, including most of our founders. It's in the works of Bernard, was taught by Harvey and Hiss Shearer (Huss was my first pastor), and it leaves all judgment in the hands of a righteous God, neither affirming or denying salvation to nominal Christians outside our movement.

These were good men, men of revelations, dreams, and visions. In fact, much of what you appreciate in Pentecost was provided by their hard work, prayers, and dedication. You stand on the shoulders of giants.

Here's my question... (this can be answered by EB too)

Is their any chance you COULD be wrong?
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