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Old 01-31-2018, 04:27 PM
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Re: Pastors. How to paralyze the Hebrew Roots doct

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
I have met a lot, I have spent time with the 12 Tribes Community, met Yoneq, its leader, who doesn't speak Hebrew. Yet, requires everyone to get their name changed from their birth name to a Hebrew name once you convert. One day I asked a group of them if they spoke Hebrew? All at the same time they said "NO."

I dealt with many Messianic Synagogues across the United States, Yahwist groups here in Florida, and in New York. When I was in my teens I knew a girl who was in a Messianic congregation. The "Rabbi" was her dad, and he taught them classes in Hebrew. But, even that group didn't study the language to better know the scripture, they studied it to speak it in heaven?

Yet, Elder Epley is correct, while there are many Hebrew Roots groups the majority know very little Hebrew. Most of what they know come from a Strong's Concordance. The whole J situation and Hey Zeus issue shows a total dishonesty towards language study. Also, we have so many who believe Hebrew to be a holy language. Yet, can only say names of Bible characters and Bible books in Hebrew, but really don't understand the language.

Mike, how much Hebrew can you speak? Does your wife speak Hebrew? Your children?
First off define what you mean when you say "Hebrew Roots Movement". It seems to be like when one says "Charismatic Movement" or "Apostolic Movement". There may be hundreds of thousands or millions of people within these movements. So would you say that of all those people you have met 5 per cent of them? 1 per cent of them?Even that would be a tremendous number of people for you to have met and understand their beliefs.

There may be minor or major differences among them. I have met a fair number of people who either put a high value on knowing the original Hebrew name or at least like to use it who do not teach one must obey Moses. I myself fit somewhere in that area.

Some teach using anything but the version they use will be lost and demand law keeping.

Now unbelievably among "Apostolics" there are thoses who teach it is a sin for a man to wear a beard or for a woman to trim her hair! I know, shocking but true. And yet...they take the name "Apostolic" for themselves as if the Apostles taught such trite.

Even more shocking among Apostolics there are those who teach that Jesus Christ came back for his Church 20 centuries ago! So among Apostolics there can be wide variance of doctrine as there can be among those who like "Hebrew Roots".

Now as far as people among them not speaking Hebrew Im sure the majority dont. But I have seen various video's of ones that do and I'm sure would be glad to answer your challenges.

I speak nor read Hebrew or Greek. Come to think of it of all the millions of American Christians who believe the Bible was originally written in Greek what per cent of THEM speak Greek?

I have been around many Bible believers in the last 43 years among various movements and as I think about it I can remember ONE MAN who was taking Greek in school. Not that he was fluent in it but he was learning.

So what does that prove? Since out of possibly thousands of believers I have talked to personally I dont know one who could say they were fluent in Greek? Does it prove Greek is not the original language or that anyone would be in error for being interested in it?

So I dont consider myself a Hebrew Roots believer. I have interest in the Hebrew roots because ALMOST the entire Old Testament was given in Hebrew! So if one said they had NO INTEREST in Hebrew Roots they are saying they have no interest in the greater part of the Bible.

There are no doubt many false believers among Hebrew Roots people. Agreed. Yet I can say from experience there are many false "Apostolic" believers.

Last edited by Michael The Disciple; 01-31-2018 at 04:30 PM.
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