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Old 12-30-2017, 09:08 AM
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Esaias Esaias is offline
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Re: Seconds of Pre Embryonic Life of Jesus Christ?

Originally Posted by Sean View Post
Fact is, oneness does not believe that every bit of God indwells Jesus, but only the "qualities" of God.

They strip Col 2:9 down, along with the trins, to keep God outside of Jesus.

If they actually believed the verse as the Apostles wrote it, then they would be forced to believe my way.
You have got to be kidding me. You obviously have no idea what Oneness is or means. "To keep god outside of Jesus"? We believe there is no God except Jesus Christ. You believe Jesus is somebody OTHER than God and not God. You also believe "Jesus is (a) god". You believe in two gods, as has been amply proven by your own statements all over this forum. What has also been proven is your inability or unwillingness to even read the things you reply to. You think we are saying "Jesus is God and is not the Son of God" but you obviously did not bother reading anything I actually wrote. I and all other Oneness believers acknowledge Jesus is the Son, that He acknowledges the Father as His God, that He was raised from the dead by God, that He was exalted by God, that God was in Him, that the fullness of Deity dwells in Him BODILY. even though I very clearly and deliberately affirmed all those things and more in previous posts, including the very one you quoted and responded to.

This is why most of us do not take you seriously, Sean. You do not interact with the data, you do not interact with what people actually say. You simply have this idea in your head about what we believe, and like Sir Quixote you charge those windmills and rescue the screaming lady in distress and are blissfully unaware you are simply making a mess of yourself.
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