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Old 12-20-2017, 08:20 PM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: Seconds of Pre Embryonic Life of Jesus Christ?

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
The Greek literally says the appearing of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ.

It says what it says. What we make of it is subject to lots of things that go beyond the text.
I read the literal. I always do. How cool is it that every translation is in one place? Shame the KJV got trimmed again awhile back. Were those books not value added or what was that about?

It says the same thing? Your interpretation, emphasize AND as "is" is certainly valid. De-empasize as "add to" and it says something else. That is the something else that matches what Jesus himself said about himself so many times.
SO: The question remains. Who is Jesus who died? This thread, all of it really, is about that question. It remains unanswered.

Last edited by Walks_in_islam; 12-20-2017 at 08:24 PM.
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