Jesus said He sits on the Father's throne with the Father. ONE throne.
And Jesus was therefore told to sit on the throne of God in
Psalm 110:1.
Jesus is told to sit and rule. From where? God's throne.
And the Father puts all powers under the Son's feet, which is currently happening now. Jesus continues to rule UNTIL all those enemies are under his feet. And the reason he is said to later give over the kingdom to the Father is because Jesus currently rules that kingdom. And again, he rules from God's throne.
This is all speaking of CHRIST AS A MAN.
Like Adam had dominion over the earth, CHRIST THE MAN has dominion and rules the world now.
That HUMANITY is a result of incarnation of which we learn in the rest of the bible. Phil 2 clearly says Jesus did not think it robbery to be EQUAL WITH GOD. Howso? Why? He is GOD in incarnation.
And that incarnation involves humanity, or it would not be incarnation. And the incarnation answers the problem of mankind's lost position as king over earth. So, Jesus is now MAN AND KING as Adam was.
God is ALL IN ALL when that incarnation who RULES NOW has completed his job and task. This task ENDS when the Father (God apart from His incarnation) has put all enemies finally under the Son's feet. And then as the SON was God incarnate, the reverse seems to happen and that which is FROM God goes back INTO GOD as it was originally, and God is all in all.
This in no way negates the truth that Jesus is God. It simply shows the plan for Adam is renewed through Christ as MAN RULING, but it has that added aspect that Christ is not only a man who rules on a throne, but is GOD INCARNATE and sits on God's throne.