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Old 12-09-2017, 10:08 AM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: Seconds of Pre Embryonic Life of Jesus Christ?

Originally Posted by mfblume View Post
Again you dodge the issue YOU started when YOU said Jesus is not on the throne. Now, are you going to keep dodging that or not? We can talk about anything you want. But if I address THE OTHER issue of how many are involved in here and who is subject to who, we are departing from the position YOU STARTED when you claimed Jesus is not on the throne.

No. I am reading it exactly for what it is saying. And you are dodging it left and right.

Stick with the issue. Tell me how Jesus is ruling until His enemies are under his feet after the Psalm said He is sitting until his enemies are under his feet, and how that sitting in rulership is not on a throne.

Stick with the issue!
Subject to God is not on the throne of God no. "Right Hand" = position of authority yes.
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