Originally Posted by Sean
John 14:18King James Version (KJV)
18 I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.
In heaven or on earth?
As man?
THE MAN is mediator and high priest and THE MAN IS NOT ON EARTH. Can you understand what it means to be priest as a man and being inside us as GOD and not as man?
here is where your belief falls apart. You cannot see how AS A MAN He is mediator and that THE MAN is NOT ON EARTH as this mediator. And you cannot harmonize that with references that say Christ is in us as SPIRIT. You cannot comprehend that Christ has to be both God and man, in order for
Hebrews 8:4 to be true while at the same time
Col 1:27 is true.
Your doctrine disallows
Heb 8:4 and makes it contradict
Col 1:27. But if you accepted the truth that Jesus is GOD AND MAN, then you would know the MAN is what
Heb 8:4 is talking about, and
Col 1:27 is not talking about HIM AS MAN, which can only mean HE IS ALSO GOD.
And Sean, here's something else that proves your doctrine goes haywire and you cannot talk sensibly and maintain you belief in light of scripture: How is he called MAN if the MAN BECAME GOD? He would not longer BE MAN if HE BECAME GOD!