Re: More over-reacting to the "Light Doctrine"
There is one thing that I have found absolutely repulsive.
This Apostolic Pastor had very, very good intentions and (and I THINK he) was trying to present the salvation plan in a way that would not offend me. He knew my background, knew some of the same people I knew and he also knew what I believed, didn't believed, etc from a conversation with him and his son.
I am telling you, sincere, good Apostolic family-- very loving people. They pastor a small church in __________, Nowhere-lina.
One night, while doing the altar call, and I was the only non-traditional Apostolic in the sanctuary for that service, he (the Pastor) stumbled and sounded like he was a little bit nervous as he tried to explain salvation in a way that would stay true to his conscience and reach out to mine.
I know he meant well, but I was absolutely repulsed.
Why? Because if I go to a church and they call themselves Apostolic, then that church needs to be Apostolic. It was one of the MOST UNCOMFORTABLE situations I had ever been in during a church service.
I knew what they believed and he knew what I believed and it seemed he stumbled over his presentation of the Gospel because he was trying to woo me to come to the altar or join his church.
The best he could have done is just stay true to the message he was ordained to preach.
I would NEVER ask an Apostolic Pastor to change anything about their presentation of the Gospel! I mean, I know life isn't all about me, but at that moment, I felt so uncomfortable, so bad, and literally sick to my stomach.
And this is why I cannot join an Apostolic church. I would cause situations like that or worse, cause someone else to stumble and question what they believe because somehow someone asks me a question and I give them an answer that doesn't quite fit with the message the Pastor and the church stands for and I REFUSE to be the one that KNOWINGLY pulls cards from someone's stack because I don't want to ever be the reason why someone questions "all that they know about God", only to become twice the devil he/she was before because something I said to them in person shook their flimsy foundation.
I don't like millstones!
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
Last edited by Jermyn Davidson; 10-17-2017 at 03:02 PM.