Originally Posted by Esaias
You "laughed and made fun" of someone, and then later had to deal with that issue yourself?
And that is the same in principle as saying "mental illness needs the power of God, not quack pseudoscience"?
You or your wife have bouts with anxiety because you mocked an asthmatic?
Do you even realise your anecdote has no similarity whatsoever to anything actually happening here?
Hello? Bueller?
I am not that guy! I know that I am a simple minded redneck and sometimes my point does not come across in my typing. I was saying I had anxiety because I did not believe my wife did and gave her a hard time. If you go back and read anxiety and depression are on EB's list of things he does not believe. Now if you can not address me with the same respect as I have given you then don't address me at all. I am here for discussions not arguments furthermore if I wanted a smart aleck comment I would have called my teenage son.