06-22-2017, 06:14 AM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 31,124
Re: newby
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Aquila, you see this is legalism. You have to mention "love" and fill in all the blanks because it is expected of you to believe it. Because you are a Christian.
Yet, it is hard for you to love your enemies, I mean really hard, because you see it as it is you against the "other."
March on Washington, hammer your political views against the heads of the unbelievers, those who oppose your political soteriology. You see this is the quandary, you only see jewelry, suits, skirts, bow ties, a haircut and a shoe shine as legalism. When in fact feigned love is legalism. But, think about it, contemplate this on the tree of woe. Who you are in the dark who who you really are. Deep within the recesses of your thoughts. You know, some men do in their minds what serial killers physically do. Is it any less wicked? A married man looking at a woman lusting after her in your mind. Is it any less wicked then someone wanting to kill the president of the United States in their mind? Legalism? Oh I love you brother, allow me to pray for your situation. It is said because words cost us nothing. Words roll off the lips with no pain, smooth without sweat of labor. Yet, if they aren't truly established in our soul, deep within us and part of us, then it is legalism.
i don't mean some sweet sugary romantic love, that is sick. But a love bathed in forgiveness. Because to truly forgive your enemy is loving him.
So, you love Donald Trump.
What I take away,
...feigned love is legalism.
Excellent point my brother. Legalism can manifest in countless ways. Thanks for helping to keep us sober. Stay thirsty my friends.