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Old 06-11-2017, 06:36 PM
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Re: How did you become "Oneness"?

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Lift heavy, and watch the bench.
If you can't rep it you might tear it.
Torn pec muscle is nothing nice.
Yes, I alternate bench and overhead. When I go heavy (5x5 usually) on one I go medium (3 or 4x8-12) on the other, alternating each workout (heavy bench, medium overhead, then heavy overhead, medium bench, etc).

What I have to really watch is deadlifts. I LOVE dead lifting, 6-8x3, I love heavy triples. I'll fry my CNS if I get carried away so I have to make myself keep the volume low throughout the week.

I hate squats, though. Which is why I've been doing them more than deadlifts. Gotta do the ones you hate, those are the ones you need to be doing.
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