God has had his hand on me since I was a child. My Mom was raised Catholic but we almost never went to church.
One morning when I was in kindergarten I was late for the buss and I missed it. My Mom was upset and mad, she was mentally ill. She asked me if I remembered how to get to the Kindergarten and I said yes. I asked God to tell me how, and he did. So I told my Mom how to get there. Later, she asked me how did you know, I said *God showed me* At first she believed me and she would ask me to pray for my Dad to come home and stop running around with other women. But I was a kid and wanted to play, and Did didn't change because of my prayers, so then she said I was a liar.
I was mildly autistic, people never liked me because I didn't make eye contact and had no social skills, and my mother always said I looked like I was guilty about something. I was very isolated. But I always knew there was a God that I could turn to.
I had never heard of the Holy Ghost. When we were living in Virginia my mother was invited to visit an AOG church, and she took me along. When the preacher gave an altar call, I stumbled to the altar with a broken heart, I was the only one who went. God filled me with the Holy Ghost, speaking with tongues. The Church was amazed. I was Eleven.
My Dad was in the Army and we moved a lot. When I was 15 we moved to Melbourne, I was at the mall and young preacher walked up to me and showed me
Acts 2:38 in the bible and asked me if I wanted to be baptized. Brother Joel Velie from the Pentecostal Lighthouse baptized me in Jesus name.
God was merciful to me, even though I had the Holy Ghost and was baptized, I was a thoughtless teenager and I didn't live for God.
But, I told my Sister about the Holy Ghost and baptism in Jesus Name, and told her when she grew up she should be baptized and get the Holy Ghost. She did just that.
When I was 24 my Mom and my Sister had met a young preacher, Pastor McClure, who was also 24 and was holding revival services at the Melbourne auditorium. They were both baptized and received the Holy Ghost.
This little church was having services at the Eau Gallie Women's Club. They invited me to come. He preached on the Oneness of God. His words burned into my soul and about 15 minutes into the sermon I abruptly stood up and walked to the back of the room and was intently looking through the literature on a table they set up in the back.
I was the only visitor, there were less then 30 people there, He chuckled and said that church was dismissed and walked back to me to ask me if everything was ok. I told him I was looking for more literature on the Oneness of God because the Trinity had never made sense to me. It came through a preacher, but it was a revelation in my soul.
Because of this revelation, I could never be happy in a church that didn't preach oneness and baptize in Jesus name.
John 8:24 I told you that you would die in your sins, for unless you believe that I am he you will die in your sins.”