Thread: More on Skirts
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Old 06-01-2017, 07:37 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: More on Skirts

Originally Posted by Amanah View Post
This is a broad brush. actually, some do believe pants will send you to hell, some will disfellowship you for sin, I seen it done.

I spend the first years of my walk with God in hell fire church where pants and even a beard was a heaven/hell issue.

Funny timing, this morning I saw a facebook post that included a pic of my first pastor's wife in a pair of pants.

This morning I worked out at home in a pair of yoga pants, but I will change into a dress to head for work.

And BTW, I'm not surrendering my Glock, fyi.
I know what it's like. The church I spent my first years in was a hellfire and brimstone church where nearly anything and everything would send you to Hell. When it came to pants, pants on women were an "abomination" and to die without having repented of wearing them was certain damnation. Beards, jewelry, hair, television, etc. were all heaven/hell issues. He ran a tight ship. And he truly believed what he preached.

I've come to a different understanding. I believe that pants are a modesty issue. Most pants are immodest unless one wears a top long enough to cover their hips and bottom. In our fellowship we encourage dresses and skirts, but we do not condemn women who are not ready for that level of modesty. Perhaps if we viewed pants on a woman as being an abomination, we'd be more strict on it. But we don't. So, we don't disfellowship or shun women over pants, hair, makeup, jewelry, or the like. We believe that as one matures in Christ they will grow in modesty and holiness.

We have a process in which if a person is engaged in continued sin the elders talk with the person and try to determine if it is due to a lack of understanding, a different interpretation, a circumstantial issue, or willful rebellion. If it is determined that a person is actually in willful rebellion we move to disfellowship. We're a house church, so when we disfellowship we inform the person that while we love them and desire to worship with them, they are no longer welcome in our gatherings until they can demonstrate that they have repented of the sin.

Many people call us "liberal" but in truth, we're actually moderates.

Last edited by Aquila; 06-01-2017 at 07:54 AM.
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