Originally Posted by Aquila
This has been a lively discussion. Here's what I'm walking away with.
- I have a better understanding as to why some folk think that Deuteronomy 22:5 is primarily about pants. I disagree, but I do understand the position better.
- I've come to realize that to some an abomination isn't as serious as the Bible makes it sound.
- I've come to realize that there is a difference in what repentance means.
- I've also come to understand that regardless of one's views on Deuteronomy 22:5, they will still apply the text as a modesty issue, not as an abomination issue.
- I've also come to understand that disfellowshipping as a form of church discipline is actually disdained by conservatives, even though it is a prescribed form of church discipline in the Scriptures. All the bluster is really for nothing. Those who preach that pants are an abomination will still approach the issue as though it is only a modesty issue that one must grow and spiritually mature into. They do not demand nor require "repentance" from what they believe is an abomination. According to them, one simply matures out of their abominations.
This is a broad brush. actually, some do believe pants will send you to hell, some will disfellowship you for sin, I seen it done.
I spend the first years of my walk with God in hell fire church where pants and even a beard was a heaven/hell issue.
Funny timing, this morning I saw a facebook post that included a pic of my first pastor's wife in a pair of pants.
This morning I worked out at home in a pair of yoga pants, but I will change into a dress to head for work.
And BTW, I'm not surrendering my Glock, fyi.