Originally Posted by n david
No, it's not. You insinuated I was wrong for calling sin "sin." You had no words for how wrong I was to name sin "sin."
Incorrect. You have reading comprehension difficulties and an affinity for straw man arguments and misrepresentation.
Speaking of misrepresentation, you're the king here.
I misrepresented nothing.
If all sinners know what sin is, and no Christian needs to learn what sin is or what is a sin, then all Christians are perfect in obedience to all known and unknown commands.
I simply stated that a sinner knows what sin is, why should we pretend Christians are dumb and need time to learn what sin is/isn't? I also stated that people are not perfect, but that people with unrepentant sin would not be saved. That's simply the Bible.
So you agreed, that all Christians have no need to learn obedience, that means they are "perfect in obedience", and are so from the moment they become Christians.
Please post the quote where I allegedly said this. Right, I didn't post anything of the sort. Of course people grow in Christ, that doesn't mean we coddle and excuse sin! Sin is sin, and nowhere in the Bible does it give separate definitions for newborn Christians vs mature Christians.
You say you don't say things, then say them. In the same post, even.
Stick a fork in it, this thread is done.