Thread: More on Skirts
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Old 05-30-2017, 01:05 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: More on Skirts

Originally Posted by Pliny View Post
"Classic statement"? Really, So a conservative is not allowed to believe that God may expect more from a "mature" Christian than a "new born" Christian? Sorry to disappoint you. I believe the mercy of God will allow some people to make in spite of their disappointments. This includes me as I have sometimes fallen short.
This gets better and better! Where is it, specifically, in the Bible where there is this "allowance" of sin for newborn Christians as opposed to mature Christians? Here I thought sin was sin and, when finished, it results in death. What is the timeframe for this, because I'm sure you've met (as I have met) Christians who have been in church decades who are spiritually infantile. So what are the terms, conditions and timeframe for your theology?

Originally Posted by Pliny View Post
I said Deu. is not specifically about pants. Specific means: in a definite or precise manner.
Thus, DEu. 22:5 does not precisely say pants. However, it includes pants because pants are worn and Deu. is about what is worn. Sorry that is to difficult a concept.
Prove it. You have nothing besides Priests wearing underwear and 3 Jewish guys wearing what may possibly be hose. Neither are pants. Nor is there any mention in the Bible of women wearing only dresses.

Originally Posted by Pliny View Post
See my post above concerning God's mercy and the difference between a mature Christian and an immature Christian.

See my post above concerning God's mercy and the difference between a mature Christian and an immature Christian.

See my post above concerning God's mercy and the difference between a mature Christian and an immature Christian.
Isn't sin sin? Is there a newborn Christian version vs a mature Christian version of sin - where one is saved from hell, but the other burns in it?

Originally Posted by Pliny View Post
Your argument is fallacious because you assume the only choices are the one's you have presented. That is fallacious because there is another option - God is the judge.
Again, with the noncommittal answer.

If sin is sin
and sin = death, hell and the lake of fire

And if women wearing pants = sin

Then women wearing pants = death, hell and the lake of fire.

Man up and just admit it. That's what you believe. Stop with this, "Well, there are various levels of Christians and what's allowable versus what's not allowed, depending on the length of time put in and whether you're mature or newborn. But God is the judge."


Who are you, Joel Olsteen? Can't you just state what you believe, instead of giving this kind of pussyfooted, weak, pathetic answer?

The verse you have placed all your hopes in calls it an abomination. That's the same charge as lying, adultery, murder and other sins.

I mean, from your post, no sin is actually a sin, and it depends on whether you're a newborn or mature Christian as to whether your sin is allowed.

Originally Posted by Pliny View Post
This includes me as I have sometimes fallen short.
Are you a mature Christian, Pliny?

Last edited by n david; 05-30-2017 at 01:23 PM.
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