05-30-2017, 08:17 AM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 31,124
Re: More on Skirts
Originally Posted by Godsdrummer
Why don't you answer the question? Instead of countering with another question?
I too have a question for you, about pants. Why is it ok for the man to show his figure in pants but not the women? You keep arguing that women did not wear pants only men, yet that argument too is only from silence, but you won't admit it. You have not proven in scripture unequivocally that men wore pants.
The only thing you have proven is that only the priest wore underwear when ministering in the tabernacle. and that the three Hebrew children "may" have worn hosiery under their robes. In any case they were an undergarment in both cases, not intended to be worn outside or alone. They were worn under their robes.
Yet today men don't think twice about slipping into a form fitting pair of pants, yet, don't let a women do the same it is an abomination. If that is not the biggest double standard of all time I don't know what is.
In many Islamic societies in the Middle East, pants on men is considered just as immodest as pants on a woman.