Originally Posted by Aquila
They wore an inner garment, a tunic, that they secured with a belt. They wore an outer garment, a larger tunic, over it. They wore sandals and hide shoes. And, as Pliny's reference bore out, men and women, sometimes wore pantaloons too keep warm in the colder months. Women wore veils , it was common for both men's and women's outer garments often had a hood. Clothing for both genders was very similar, only differences were the length of the inner and outer tunics. For worn, they extended to the ankle. For men, they extended to the knee or mid calf. Beyond length, differences could include embroidery, color, and sometimes the texture of the fabrics.
If I'm wrong, please provide evidence.
I have, and Esaias has. We have gone back and forth so much, that you flipped out and cursed me out. You apologized twice. And Jason B is more confused than he has ever been.
Seriously too funny.
Your idea of attire in the Bible is everyone wore a hotel robe with flip flops. You actually try harder to allow the Bible to morph to modern culture instead of allowing the Bible to change your culture. As Esaias pointed out you never actually dealt with my original thoughts on
Deuteronomy 22:5. You have been digging through Google with fervent madness, but alas only to bring forth issues which have nothing to do with my original thoughts on the discussion. Sandals and sneakers? Bro, there was a time just in the history of Christendom where they had total differences in attire between men and women. Yet, that isn't the culture in which you now deal with. You have a lesbian relative who is married to another lesbian. Which 70 years ago in this country every church, sect, and denomination would of thrown everything from bottles, tomatoes, to the kitchen sink at it. Not now, now you all are slouching toward Gomorrah and will be embraced by Sodom then die in ruin.
Like I posted a few pages back, this thread had died the death of a 1,000 cuts. You all can't even read a dictionary on Aramaic, how in God's name should we continue this already exhausted discussion.
Listen, people who are postmodern, will refuse to believe what I'm posting even if Jesus split the eastern sky carrying King David playing his harp.
We have an entire thread jam pack n full with proof from both sides. Also some of the most insane stupidity I have ever heard in my life.
As the Jedi once said, May the Force be with you.