Originally Posted by Pliny
you don't have principles. You have a legalistic mindset bound to a subjective model - your opinion. You reject God's word in favor of your opinion.
First, the Law of Moses was abolished.
Second, I'm dead to the Law of God.
Thirdly, I'm under the Law of Christ.
And as it relates to the Law of Christ, I'm called to be guided by the Spirit.
The letter killeth, but the Spirit maketh alive.
That is your prerogative but it is sad when you attack someone for taking a Biblical stand.
Dear brother, disagreeing with you isn't an attack. And it is important to understand that not everything in the Bible applies to you. For example, animal sacrifices, dietary laws, Sabbath laws, festival laws, ceremonial laws, ancient civil laws, etc. We both can glean from the types, shadows, and examples under the Law, but we aren't bound to them as Israel was.
The Holy Ghost will NEVER contradict the Bible. The Bible was given by the Holy Ghost:
(2Pe 1:21 ESV) For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.
To reject the Word is to reject the Holy Ghost.
Amen. The Holy Spirit will never contradict Scripture. However, the Holy Spirit will often contradict and challenge our human understanding of those Scriptures.
While the Sculptures are infallible, let us always be mindful that our interpretations of it are not.