Originally Posted by n david
You are majoring on the minors. You strain at a gnat, yet swallow a camel.
It is your opinion that Deut 22:5 is about pants. Somehow you have found a way to go back in time and you spoke with Moses, who confirmed to you that he was speaking of an article of clothing which wasn't known at that time. A simple look into ancient Jewish culture and fashion, you would see that the difference between the sexes was the color, length and style of the robes.
There is no scripture where all Israeli men wore pants. There is simply not one. Breeches, both in the Biblical passage and in historical writings, were for the priests and Levites who ministered in the Tabernacle.
Okay. For you, the Word of God is a minor issue. That is your problem not mine. I have never ate camel so you have no idea what you are talking about.
Deu. 22:5 is about what people wear. I guess you do not believe pants are worn. Again, your problem not mine. You also make the claim that I "spoke with Moses" about an article of clothing unknown at that time. Really? You are wrong on all points. Firstly, thank you for thinking I am smart enough to use a worm hole or whatever to find an anomaly in the time space continuum. Then, you argue that ancient Israeli culture did not wear pants. This completely ignores and tramples upon the the truth. It is the Bible that demonstrates that ancient Israeli's wore pants; hence, the three Israeli young men were, in fact, wearing pants. Pants may or may not have been the popular fashion. That is not the question. The question is what is "worn". Pants are in fact worn. Also, they were in fact worn by ancient godly Israeli men. There is not even a single shred of evidence that a godly woman ever wore them.
You said "There is no scripture where all Israeli men wore pants." This is a ridiculous statement. Holiness is not a popularity contest as implied by your statement. What matters is whether or not godly men or women wore them. The FACT remains that godly men wore them and godly women did not. This has been established previously.
Daniel 3:21 and 3:27 both demonstrate that the three godly Israeli young men were wearing pants. Now, if you can demonstrate where a godly women wore pants PLEASE provide the information.